Reciprocal space mapping of epitaxial nanowires

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Characterizing epitaxial nanowires using reciprocal space mapping (Covalent Metrology).

The growth dynamics, and the ultimate electronic band structure-hence the physical properties-of self-assembled epitaxial semiconductor nanowires and dots depends on the strain states of epitaxial thin films, which are functions of composition, morphology, and relaxation. High-resolution X-ray reciprocal space mapping (RSM) provides a nondestructive, yet quantitative, technique for the characterization of the strain, composition, and morphology of multi-dimensional nanowire or nanodot arrays. Rigaku’s new Smartlab automated diffractometer (Figure 1) makes reciprocal space mapping at medium, high, and very high resolution much easier and faster with minimal user interference.

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Covalent Metrology is a disruptive analytical services laboratory and platform based in Sunnyvale, California. Its mission is to help companies using advanced materials and nanoscale devices accelerate product development with deeper insights and better analytical data. Covalent offers comprehensive solutions and services that integrate state-of-the-art lab infrastructure, world-class experts in a wide array of analytical techniques, and modern data management and analysis.

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