Structural Characterization of Battery Components
ABSTRACT Structural properties, such as surface area, pore size and density, of battery components can be characterized using a variety of different techniques. Examples of gas sorption, mercury intrusion, and capillary flow porometry for anode, cathode, and separator materials, among others, are discussed.
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Research and development professionals in the battery industry are always in search of the most efficient and safest battery technologies to fuel the energy needs of our world today and into the future. In order to optimize their design efforts, battery developers rely on accurate physical property characterization for battery components such as the anode, cathode, or separator. Important properties that guide design include surface area, pore size and pore volume, porosity (% open space), and density.
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Anton Paar USA is a subsidiary of the Graz, Austria-based Anton Paar. Anton Paar is the world’s premier manufacturer of measuring and analytical instrumentation used by laboratories and manufacturers during both research and development and quality control. Founded in 1922, Anton Paar now has subsidiaries in 31 different countries across the world.
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About Covalent Metrology
Covalent Metrology is a disruptive analytical services laboratory and platform based in Sunnyvale, California. Its mission is to help companies using advanced materials and nanoscale devices accelerate product development with deeper insights and better analytical data. Covalent offers comprehensive solutions and services that integrate state-of-the-art lab infrastructure, world-class experts in a wide array of analytical techniques, and modern data management and analysis.
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