Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS)
Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) is the most accurate, quantitative surface spectroscopy method for analyzing elemental composition. RBS can also be used to generate depth profiles and can be used to measure film density and analyte thickness.
- Best accuracy for elemental composition analysis in surfaces (comparable to Inductively Coupled Plasma Auger Electron Spectroscopy – ICP-AES – and CHN; with better light-element accuracy than ICP-AES)
- Able to measure concentrations of light elements including Hydrogen and Deuterium
- Analysis possible under vacuum and alternative atmosphere conditions
- Density analysis in micron-scale regions can achieve : no other analytical method other than Micro-RBS
- No standards or reference samples are required for composition analysis
- Higher sensitivity for heavier elements than lighter elements (e.g., 5 at.% for Carbon vs. several 10’s of ppm for Lead): Combination with NRA can improve the light element sensitivity
- Limited sites world wide to do this type of work