Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS)

Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy Main Image

Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) is a very sensitive surface analytical technique, well established for many industrial and research applications. It provides detailed elemental and molecular information about surfaces, thin layers, interfaces, and full three-dimensional analysis of the samples. The use is widespread, including semiconductors, polymers, paint, coatings, glass, paper, metals, ceramics, biomaterials, pharmaceuticals.


  • Highly surface sensitive: analyzes only the top 1-2 nanometers of a surface.
  • Exceptional sensitivity to trace elements: Can detect elements and compounds present in extremely small amounts (parts per million or parts per billion).
  • Comprehensive elemental and isotopic analysis: Detects all elements, including hydrogen, and their isotopes simultaneously.
  • Non-destructive in static mode: Analysis can be performed without damaging the sample when using the static mode.
  • High-resolution depth profiling: Provides detailed information about the layers within a material with 1-nanometer resolution.
  • 3D Visualization: allows for the creation of informative 3D models that visualize the analyzed material


  • Quantification Requires Specific Standards
  • Matrix Effects: The signal intensity of a particular element is affected by the surrounding material (the matrix). This makes it challenging to directly compare results from different samples.
  • Depth Profiling is Destructive: While TOF-SIMS can analyze a surface without damage in static mode, obtaining depth profiles requires sputtering (removing) material, which inherently alters the sample.
  • Limited Chemical Information: TOF-SIMS primarily provides information about the elemental and molecular composition of a surface. It offers limited information about the chemical state or bonding environment of the detected species.

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Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy Services

Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy

Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) is a very sensitive surface analytical technique, well established for many industrial and research applications. It provides detailed elemental and molecular information about surfaces, thin layers, interfaces, and full three-dimensional analysis of the samples. The use is widespread, including semiconductors, polymers, paint, coatings, glass, paper, metals, ceramics, biomaterials, pharmaceuticals.

Sample Requirements

Example Outputs


Instruments Used



  • Primary ion beam: 25 keV Bi cluster ion source
  • Secondary (sputter) ion beam:
    1. Thermal ionization Cesium source
    2. Oxygen electron impact gas ion source
  • Analyzed depth: first monolayer
  • Mass resolution: m/Δm > 5000
  • Analytical sensitivity: down to high ppb
  • Spatial resolution: 0.5mic
  • Maximal depth profile: 2-3 mic


  • Primary beam: 30 keV BiMn cluster nanoprobe
  • Secondary beam:
    1. Thermal ionization Cesium source
    2. Oxygen electron impact gas ion source
    3. Fully integrated Ar gas cluster ion source.
  • Analyzed depth: first monolayer
  • Mass resolution: m/Δm > 10,000
  • Analytical sensitivity: down to high ppb
  • Spatial resolution:  ~80nm
  • Maximal depth profile: 10mic with FIB: 30mic

Added Features:

  • Argon Gas Cluster Source provides the ability to detect high mass polymers and depth profile through complex organic materials.
  • In-situ Ga Focused Ion Beam can analyze extremely rough samples, samples with voids or samples that exhibit strong local variations in density.
  • Extended Dynamic Range Analyzer extends dynamic range up to seven orders of magnitude, allowing for simultaneous detection of normally saturated matrix species and trace species.
  • Hermetically Sealed Transfer Vessel ability to analyze atmospheric or moisture-sensitive samples.


  • Primary beam: 25 keV BiGa cluster Nanoprobe 50
  • Secondary beam:
    1. Thermal ionization Cesium source
    2. Oxygen electron impact gas ion source
    3. Fully integrated Ar gas cluster ion source.
  • Analyzed depth: 2nm
  • Mass resolution: > 30,000
  • Analytical sensitivity: down to high ppb
  • Spatial resolution: ~50nm
  • Sputter depth: 2-3 mic

Added Features:

  • Unique delayed extraction mode for high transmission with high lateral and high mass resolution simultaneously.
  • New flexible, push-button, closed-loop sample heating and cooling system for long-term operation without user interaction (-150 to 600C)
View Instrument Brochure

How TOF-SIMS Works

TOF-SIMS is an acronym for the combination of the analytical technique SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) with Time-of-Flight mass analysis (TOF). A solid surface is bombarded by primary ions of some keV energy. The energy is transferred to target atoms via atomic collisions and a so-called collision cascade is generated. Part of the energy is transported to the surface allowing surface atoms and molecular compounds to overcome the surface binding energy. Most of the emitted particles are neutral in charge, but a small portion is also positively or negatively charged.


TOF mass analysis is based on the fact that ions with the same energy, but different masses will travel with different velocities over a drift path to the detector. An electrostatic field accelerates the generated ions to a common energy, then the lighter ions arrive at the detector before the heavier ions. Measuring the flight time for each ion allows the determination of its mass.

Learn more about using Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy testing services today!