Full Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of a Polymer Thin Film with Tosca series AFMs

Due to its unique design, Tosca AFM offers the exceptional possibility to investigate mechanical, electrical and magnetic sample properties on the same location with a single hardware set-up.

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Covalent Metrology uses Tosca series Atomic Force Microscopes (AFMs) for advanced polymer thin film analysis.

Excerpted from the Text:
In addition to easy and safe handling (the actuator body fits onto the palm of your hand), one of the most prominent advantages of the Tosca AFM’s patented design is the possibility to perform all measurements for all modes with one and the same actuator body. This opens up the flexibility to measure various properties of the sample without any hardware handling – with one and the same cantilever (if applicable): Contact, Tapping, Force distance curve, Contact resonance amplitude imaging (CRAI), Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM), Magnetic force microscopy (MFM), Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), Conductive AFM (C-AFM, 3 gains) – on the same location with one actuator body.

To demonstrate this capability, an AFM investigation of a PMMA/SBS polymer blend was performed on a 25 x 25 μm area with a resolution of 400 x 400 pixels and a scan rate of 0.5 line/seconds. Force distance curve, contact resonance amplitude imaging (CRAI). Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM)2 were employed at the same position with a single hardware set-up and
the same cantilever – without any hardware changes in between the measurements.

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Anton Paar USA is a subsidiary of the Graz, Austria-based Anton Paar. Anton Paar is the world’s premier manufacturer of measuring and analytical instrumentation used by laboratories and manufacturers during both research and development and quality control. Founded in 1922, Anton Paar now has subsidiaries in 31 different countries across the world.

Since the beginning of 2018, Anton Paar USA has expanded its USA operations to include four regional offices, with full sales and laboratory operations now taking place in Torrance, California, Houston, Texas, and Chicago, Illinois, while the main Anton Paar USA headquarters remains in Ashland, Virginia.

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About Covalent Metrology

Covalent Metrology is a disruptive analytical services laboratory and platform based in Sunnyvale, California. Its mission is to help companies using advanced materials and nanoscale devices accelerate product development with deeper insights and better analytical data. Covalent offers comprehensive solutions and services that integrate state-of-the-art lab infrastructure, world-class experts in a wide array of analytical techniques, and modern data management and analysis.

Covalent now has over 500 customers in 30+ industries.

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