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Analytical Chemistry Services

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Comprehensive analytical chemistry services for material characterization (Covalent Metrology).

From control of the supply chain through to precision synthesis of advanced materials and devices, engineers and scientists rely on accurate chemical analysis to understand the raw substrates and products they develop. Analytical chemistry experts at Covalent use state-of-art spectroscopy instrumentation to help clients characterize the composition and molecular structures of solutions and materials: identifying and quantifying trace impurities and contaminants, validating yield, and evaluating the bulk chemistry of solid or liquid samples. The Covalent platform makes metrology partnership efficient and effective so clients can focus on propelling their research and development forward.

Learn More About Analytical Chemistry Services at Covalent Metrology

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About Covalent Metrology

Covalent Metrology is a disruptive analytical services laboratory and platform based in Sunnyvale, California. Its mission is to help companies using advanced materials and nanoscale devices accelerate product development with deeper insights and better analytical data. Covalent offers comprehensive solutions and services that integrate state-of-the-art lab infrastructure, world-class experts in a wide array of analytical techniques, and modern data management and analysis.

Covalent now has over 500 customers in 30+ industries.

Learn more at: https://covalentmetrology.com